
Role of math in day to day activity

Role of math in day to day activity

Math is an important concept in our current life. Daily we have a close interaction with different type of calculation so it’s become our basic need. In math, we include knowledge of calculation like +, -, *, / or so on and their use in normal life, money matters, time & quantity. These are the basic things which help us to tackle problem in our routine life. For example time concept, rupee transaction, height, weight, distance & quantity.

math in day to day activity
math in day to day activity

Role of math in day 2 day activity:-

Ø  Time concept:- we include in it lot of things like name of days, week, months, today, tomorrow, morning, evening, good night or different activity like second, minutes, one hour etc.
Ø  Rupee: - one of the important concept in our current life. Knowledge about paisa, one rupee, ten, fifty, hundred, thousand and also knowledge about different rupee notes & their calculation.
Ø  Add (plus): - in it, we include different – 2 equation in which we add two or more number like 2 balls + 3 balls = 5 balls.
Ø  Subtractions: - It is just the opposite of plus side. In it, we find out the difference between the two numbers. Like 5-3=2.
Ø  Multiple & divide: - it is just the next step and only few special children able to learn this process. In it, we include tables and multiples etc.
Ø  Shape: - In it, we include different type shape like square, circle, tri-angle, and calculate their area, radios & so on. For special children, we take a help from different – 2 things like glass, cup, plate etc.
Ø  Weight: - In it, we include different – 2 weight from nearby things. For special children, we start it from own weight. We give lot of example including flour, vegetables, fruits, and other things.
Ø  Distance: - It is important concept because special children really unable to measure the distance between two things. We draw a lime and tell them to measure it and try to teach them about mile-meters, meters or inch etc.
Ø  Quantity: - In it, we include different – 2 parameters like liters or kg etc.         


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