Showing posts with label Gross Domestic Product. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gross Domestic Product. Show all posts


Gross Domestic Product GDP सकल घरेलू उत्पाद

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) सकल घरेलू उत्पाद
GDP is the total of all goods and services which is produced by the economic in a limited time frame. We calculate the GDP on two basics- first is GDP with real data in which we assume a particular year as a base and use that year price index to calculate the GDP. In second method, we calculate the GDP with current year price index; we call it GDP with marker price. In other word, GDP at market price - it is the total market value of production (goods and services) which is produced by an economic in a financial year.

We calculate our GDP with three methods like –

·         Production Method - उत्पाद विधि 
·         Expenditure Method - व्यय विधि 
·         Income Method - आय विधि

Gross Domestic Product GDP सकल घरेलू उत्पाद
Gross Domestic Product GDP सकल घरेलू उत्पाद

GDP at Factor Cost ( साधन लागत पर ) - 

There are lot of production factor in the market which produce different – 2 goods and services in a limited time frame or a financial year. Every factor receives an amount against the efforts or work which is done by him, so if we add all the wages paid to the factors, we are able to calculate the GDP at Factor Cost. In other words, we add all the net value which is added at different stage of production.
GDP at Factor Cost = Net value Added +depreciation.

Net Domestic Product (NDP)

Our capital goods use in production for a long run, so every year these machine have depreciation and lost a part of value. Every machine has depreciation like machine, equipment or building etc. So, for Net Domestic Product we must deduct the depreciation for GDP.
NDP = GDP – depreciation.

GDP at Nominal Price – Calculation of our GDP at current year price index.

GDP at Real Price – Calculation of our GDP at a base year price index like 1981, 1991, 2000 or 2011 etc.