
Importance of a Lesson Plan

Importance of a Lesson Plan

A lesson plan is an important part of our education. Every teacher requires a study plan for class. It includes all the basic things like student current knowledge and requirement, need, study level, catching power etc. A teacher requires preparing a study material or blue print or lesson plan of all the basic for class according to the requirement of every single child.

Importance of a Lesson Plan
Importance of a Lesson Plan

So here, we include some basic important points for lesson plan: -
ü  Study material for class
ü  Next topic to cover
ü  Strategy of a teacher
ü  Environment of class room
ü  Different – 2 direction or way of study
ü  Material or method adopted by teacher
ü  Important topic which require a repeated behaviour
ü  Evaluations of class work
ü  We find some children who are unable to understand so take a another method to teach such children

Importance of written materials: -
ü  A teacher must aware about next steps
ü  With this, we are able to fix some target and also to analysis
ü  Its define the different steps & direction for teacher
ü  It’s become to find some mistake in written material
ü  It helpful to make a good and healthy environment

Preparation of Lesson Plan

Preparation of Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan is an important part of our education. Every teacher requires a study plan for class. It includes lot of things like student current knowledge and future requirement, their need or social -behaviour change etc. So it becomes the responsibility of every teacher to make a lesson plan according to their basic requirement. In short, we can say that when a teacher prepares himself/herself to take a class, we call it lesson plan.

It is also called the blue print for the class and it is also include all the basic need or requirement of class and also we modify it according to the need of every single child.

Preparation of Lesson Plan
Preparation of Lesson Plan
For example: - for math class, every child has a different level of knowledge about number & calculation like –
ü  One child did not know the number value but another know the number and their value
ü  One child know only 1 or 2 but another child have a knowledge up to 10 number
ü  Some children able to read only but unable to write down
ü  Every child not able to understand the tables

So, in-these situations a teacher not able to cover all the class with one view, he must bring changes according to the requirement of different – 2 child to make a lesson plan effective.


How to learn Addition or Plus

How to learn Addition or Plus
learn of addition
learning of addition

In math, we have lot of activity like +, -, /, * but add (plus or +) is one of the basic requirement money matters or quantity or when we buy any articles, we calculate before buying like if we buy 3 pens or 5 pencils or 9 papers, firstly we calculate the number of item and then make the payment. If we have a proper knowledge about counting or add or plus, it become easy for us and nobody can cheat us.
How to learn addition
How to learn addition 

It is not so easy to make special children understand about everything so it becomes very tough job for any one. To make this thing easy, mostly we use physically things or those things which are related with our environment like apple, different color ball or pen and tell them to count or add them. We also make a physical sign like “+” for this and its all related function. So we have some basic point for this like –
ü  We give 2 ball and after that another 3 ball also and ask children to count them
ü  Also use finger or tips to count
ü  Tell children about the valuation of different figure with plus “+” and where we put this sign and why like 2 + 3 = 5 it means 2 balls +3 balls = 5 balls
How to add
How to Add

ü   Put number in different – 2 position like 2 + 3 = 5 or (2+3=5) or in drop down list
ü  Take a 10 basis point from in lift figure, a another important concept shift of power from right to left when we add two figure which is more then 10
ü  Having knowledge about all the number in between 1-9 and their different -2 coordination & also value of zero “0” and there are no effect when we add this with another number like 9 + 0 = 9 or 12+0 = 12



knowledge of money for special children

knowledge of money for special children

Rupee is one of the most important concepts in our current life. Knowledge about different coin or rupee note and knowledge about their value is important. It helps us to deal with different coin and rupee notes.
For special children, it becomes our responsibility to teach them. Every currency has a sequence of money matters like coin, rupee notes and big rupee notes. If any person do not know about the sequence of money, surely that person make a wrong transaction or pay more then the actual amount. In current fast moving world, every child or special children have the knowledge about the money matters. We have some important point for it –

rupee for day to day activity
rupee for day to day activity

ü  Tell special children about the use of money and its different use
ü  Knowledge about difference in different coin
ü  Knowledge about difference in different rupee notes
ü  Identification of different coin and rupee notes
ü  Understand their current value
ü  Add different coin to make a big one like 25p + 25p = 50p or 50p + 50p = 1rupee
ü  Find different-2 coordination like add(plus) and subtraction of coin and rupee notes
ü  How to make a combination to make such a amount
ü  How to count different coin and rupee notes
ü  Identification of currency from fake (duplicate) one
ü  Teach them from a self made situation at home
ü  In practice, use more coin and rupee notes
ü  Take special children in shopping and make payment by him


Role of math in day to day activity

Role of math in day to day activity

Math is an important concept in our current life. Daily we have a close interaction with different type of calculation so it’s become our basic need. In math, we include knowledge of calculation like +, -, *, / or so on and their use in normal life, money matters, time & quantity. These are the basic things which help us to tackle problem in our routine life. For example time concept, rupee transaction, height, weight, distance & quantity.

math in day to day activity
math in day to day activity

Role of math in day 2 day activity:-

Ø  Time concept:- we include in it lot of things like name of days, week, months, today, tomorrow, morning, evening, good night or different activity like second, minutes, one hour etc.
Ø  Rupee: - one of the important concept in our current life. Knowledge about paisa, one rupee, ten, fifty, hundred, thousand and also knowledge about different rupee notes & their calculation.
Ø  Add (plus): - in it, we include different – 2 equation in which we add two or more number like 2 balls + 3 balls = 5 balls.
Ø  Subtractions: - It is just the opposite of plus side. In it, we find out the difference between the two numbers. Like 5-3=2.
Ø  Multiple & divide: - it is just the next step and only few special children able to learn this process. In it, we include tables and multiples etc.
Ø  Shape: - In it, we include different type shape like square, circle, tri-angle, and calculate their area, radios & so on. For special children, we take a help from different – 2 things like glass, cup, plate etc.
Ø  Weight: - In it, we include different – 2 weight from nearby things. For special children, we start it from own weight. We give lot of example including flour, vegetables, fruits, and other things.
Ø  Distance: - It is important concept because special children really unable to measure the distance between two things. We draw a lime and tell them to measure it and try to teach them about mile-meters, meters or inch etc.
Ø  Quantity: - In it, we include different – 2 parameters like liters or kg etc.         



community special functional word

Identification of different community special functional words

We live in society so daily we face different – 2 body, situation, sign board and with lot of meaning full things. So it’s become our responsibility to understand the different - 2 meaning and to live with comfort. Here, we discuss some of important point

community special functional word
community special functional word

·         Reading the different word: - In it, we include the different word which is mostly used in our society like any slogans written in poster or school, hospitals, toilet facilities and their use

·         Written down the word: - written down our identification, names of all family members, home address with location, name of school, phone numbers and pin-code

·         Number knowledge: - knowledge about different numbers, identification and learn them, learn different tables, try to use them in different activity, learn different method like +, -, *, / ……. So on

Identification of Alphabets and Numbers

Identification of Alphabets and Numbers

Identification is the basic rules to understand basic language. Every language has its different concept or alphabet and numbers. For a new comer or children, it is very difficult to understand but when you understand the basic only then you are able to cover a long distance. If you the basic alphabet or number, you are able to make word and try to know their meaning. In math also, you find the solution of a more complex equation. Here, we discuss some step to understand the concept.

English: -
knowledge about alphabet & number
Different alphabet & number

·         Identification of alphabet like a b c d …..z
·         Make word from different – 2 alphabet like apple, dog, that, me etc
·         Understand, how to pronounce and meaning of the word
·         Make the simple sentence and understand their meaning
·         Make the big sentence and repeat them with meaning

Math: -
·         Identification of different numbers like 123456……… so on
·         Learn and repeat them
·         Learn different tables
·         Learn different method like +, -, *, /, ………. etc
·         Apply the different method in daily activity



Different method for pre-math skill

Different method for pre-math skill

General math is always played an important part in our life. Daily, we have a close interaction with different type of calculation so it is become our basic need. In math, we include knowledge of calculation (+, -, *, /) & their use in normal life, money matters, time & quantity etc. 
Different way to learn math
Different way to learn math
                                                                                                                                    We have different method to tackle with different type of numbers. In these methods, we include the knowledge/difference in between small & big, near & away, first & last, up & down, in & out, and counting up to 0-9 etc. In this process, we start with our nearby thing and try to start the basic knowledge like tables, plates, chair, banana, bikes, tree and so on. These are some method like
ü  Cardinal: - In it we include “How Many” number are there. A word is fixed it to all the numbers.
ü   Ordinal: - we include a particular number for every one like first, second, third and so on. We make a sequence and try it.
ü  Matching: - In this, we make a matching from one number to another. We have three type of matching like one choice, two choices and multiple choices.
ü  Grouping: - In this, we make a relationship between a number and particular things like one-banana, two-apples and three balls etc.
ü  Classification: - we include some type of series of number in it like Ascending-123456, Descending-987654, Even number-02468, Odd number-13579.
ü  Sequence: - In this, we include all the number in a sequence like 0123456789…………………so on.

ü  Pattern making: - In this, we include a pattern to mention any numbers like 2—4, 4—6, 7—9 and fill these blank with a right number and complete the sequence.


Math concept for Special Children

Math concept for Special Children

Math is an important concept in our life current life. Daily, we have a close interaction with different type of calculation so it’s become our basic need. In math, we include the basic knowledge of calculation (+, -, *, /) & their use in normal life, money matters, time & quantity etc.

These are the basic things which help us to tackle problem in our routine life. For example if we buy any quantity like 6 banana if we know the actual number (how much/ quantity), it become easy for us. Also we use the same in meters, liters, weight and highs etc.

Pre-math concept for Special Children
Pre-math concept for Special Children 

Evaluation of pre-math skills: - we use the same method for evaluation of pre-math skills. In this process, we find out the weak point & make a plan for child to come out for these situations.

Pre-skills require for math like -

Ø  A child has the capability to differentiate in things. He must remember things which he see or listen

Ø  It is must that child have the basic knowledge to learn math. Also child know the basic language skills

Ø  Children have the knowledge about the different sequence like counting, tables and different group etc.                         I

How to learn Spelling

How to learn Spelling

Learning is a process in which, we learn different – 2 things from our environment. In this process, we make a close coordination with every component. For this, we make a plan of every activity for children, how to teach them. May be it is a primary requirement that make a different plan for every children.

For beginner, we try to teach them the basic concept like a b c d e ……. X y z. After this step, we understand. Special children require more attention and time to learn all these process. All special children did not have same IQ level so make different plan for every special children according to their requirement.

steps for spelling learning
steps for spelling learning

We have some methods for process like
ü  Literizam method
ü  Hass method
ü  Visual vocal method

We make a simple process for this like
ü  Look at the word very carefully.
ü  Try to pronounce it.
ü  Think about the word with close eyes.
ü  Try to write down the word without looking at the same.
ü  Match both the word and if we found some mistake, correct it and repeat the process again.


Disability Index

Index for Education 2 Disorder 

Education to Disorders
Education to Disorders

Cerebral Palsy
Ø  Planning management for Cerebral Palsy                                                                 PREVIOUS

Polio management

Different Therapy

Injection Systems

Mix activity for Special Children

Other Important Topic
  Adaption of environment for Special Children